Trick-or-Treat Smell My Feet Give Me Something Good to Eat!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
BiRtHdAy GirL
Well my birthday was a success. Me and Colby had so much fun at the cabin. We went boarding on Saturday and boarded till we got kicked out! We went to Kings in Montepilliar and got toys for Colt and Boog. We watched movies and got pizza. On our way up we saw a Mama Moose with her 2 babies and TONS of deer. They were right by our cabin so it was pretty cool. I missed Colt so much while i was up there. I wanted to call every hour...haha thanks to Colby he took my phone away and said we were on vacation. When we got home i got to open all my presents, and hug my little man! Of course he went right to Colby and said CAaaR! They drove cars for a little bit before we went inside :0) Thanks everyone for my Birt-day gifts. I love them ALL!!
Friday, February 12, 2010
man VS. wild
Yesterday we went outside to play. Colt LOVES to be outside. No matter what the temp. is he wants to be OowT! (in his words). We bundled him up and he played and played. Mowed just about everything, including the sidewalk. Tried climbing up the slide and slid down on his belly. He laughed histerically. Then when i brought him in he had a FIT!! Terrible 2's are definately kicking in. I'm the meanest mom in the world...(last pic)

SuPeR bOwL sUnDaY...
Well, all i can say is what a shame!! I really thought the Colts had it. They totally gave up the game. If it weren't for the crappy defense they woulda won!! Oh well maybe next year my Cowboys will show 'em what's up!! :0)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
CaRs, cArS & mORe CaRs!!!
Oh my...let me just tell you how ob-freakin-sessed our kid is with cars! I got Colby a big remote control car for Christmas and Colt has been in love ever since! Everyday he runs around our house sayin "Dada Car, Dada Car" when we have to put it up or away or something to charge it he freaks out and throws the biggest tantrum and cries forever. That's his one guilty pleasure in life and he can't get ENUF!! He has a little one to that we charge for him and he doesn't want me to drive it or anything, only daddy can drive it. I picked him up from my Ma's yesterday and when we got in the car i said "wanna go home Colt", his eyes got all big and he said "Car Dada". It's pretty funny. I think Colby secretly loves that Colt only wants him now. There bestest of buddies!
wOrKiN mOm
Well i have officially made it through my first couple of weeks at Asea. I love it! Its a small company there's maybe 16 people working here. My first week was a little hectic and they just kinda threw me here or threw me there. It's awsome! I am doing different things everyweek and sometimes i have to go back to customer service. Haha...yesterday i was talking to this lady who told me that she started giving ASEA to her cat! After a short time...WALA... it's eyesite came back and everything! The vet told her that she needed to think about putting it down and now it's fine. Weirdness! I do like being back at work but i miss my little man sooo much! The first couple days were the hardest. If they didn't keep me so busy i'd be calling every hour asking how he's doing. It's funny tho, he doesn't even miss me:'( He's at that stage where he's fine without mommy, he's just growin up so fast.
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