Trick-or-Treat Smell My Feet Give Me Something Good to Eat!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

LaNd ThaT i LoVe...

Such a chees ball!
 Colt's determined to drown a pot gut!
 Mama and the Jagg man!
 So stylish!!

LIFE IS GOOD...The Pug gang!
 Ready or not, here I come...
 Nana and the Jagg-mister!!
 Colts 1st wipeout on Mable!! He actually handled it really well ;)
 Back away from my cookies!
 Woohoo doin' good!
 Zoey's 1st tube ride
Zoey almost drown and Colby had to go in after her! I guess she doesn't know how to swim yet.
 Papa-Do and Colt
 Daddy and Jagg tubing!
 I love this pic!