We went to Bear Lake this weekend and Brett and Tammy came up too. We had a really good time. We celebrated Colby's 25th Birthday and we played lottery tickets and actually won $32...yay! The weather was really nice Friday but Saturday and Sunday it rained pretty much all day. We got to ride the four-wheelers around for a while. I think the highlight of our trip was this little bird who would chase us around. We rode up the hill and it would be waiting for us and then start charging. So we'd turn around and go down the hill and sure enough it was running after us. It was pretty funny! We always go down to Montpilliar and go to Kings. It's this little store that has a toy store in the basement. Colton gets a new toy everytime. This time he got a toy car that he pushed around and makes noises like he's really driving it, or tires screeching. He loves it!
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