Trick-or-Treat Smell My Feet Give Me Something Good to Eat!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

BaCk 2 SkOoL..

 Colt's first official day in the Leap Frogs and Jagger went to his first day in the Snuggle Bunnies!

ToNiGhTs RaNdOmNeSs...

Don't ask me WHAT he was thinking. He picked this out all by himself...haha!

Hide & Go Seek

Found him!!

gOoF'n ArOuNd...


Getting a little messy, first time eating rice out of a bowl
 Don't forget the grean beans and apple juice too!

Time for check-ups!

On Monday I took Colt and Jagger to the doctors to get their yearly/monthly check-ups. Poor Jagg had to get shots! Never a fun thing for a mom to watch. Colt was lucky, no shots for him, just flu mist which smelled like strawberries so he was a happy boy! Both boys are healthy as can be! The next couple days weren't so great. Jagger had a fever and was a little fussy. Finally everyones starting to get back to normal.

Friday, September 2, 2011

BoYs PiCs 2011

Well...I finally went ang got the boy's pics done. They seriously turned out soo freakin cute!! Here are some teasers till I can get all of them. Too dang cute!!