Trick-or-Treat Smell My Feet Give Me Something Good to Eat!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

pLaNeS, TrAiNs & AuToMoBiLeS...

Jagger was being so funny last night. Everything you'd give him he'd immediately open his mouth and start chewing on it. Then Colt started to get mad cuz Jagg was eating cars, dinosaurs, train pieces and anything else he managed to grab.

This week Jagger's working on sitting by himself. He needs a little support but he's getting there.

He was chewing on the rubber dinosaurs so hard they started squeaking. 

JaGGeR jAbbEr

Monday, October 24, 2011


My Favorite Time of the Year

Fall is my favorite time of the year. I love to see the leaves change colors into the oranges, reds and yellows. We went to Bear Lake a couple weeks ago and the leaves were so beautiful!

 Colby and I went for a 4 wheeler ride and a bug hit colby right in the neck. He had orange ooze on his face it was hysterical we were both laughing so hard!

SpOoKy PuMpKiN fAcEs...

Colt is making his scary pumpkin faces!
 Here's Ghost, Knuckle Head and Strawberry.
 We also colored pumpkins. The first one is Daddy, then Mommy, Colt and Jagger. He had a blast and kept wanting to go back and color them. He even said the red was blood cuz we were making our scary Halloween faces.